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(1) Teach me what to do:

Dear Jessica,
I have a couple of questions
1) Would it be to early to start holding hands?
2) Am I at the "Honey point" yet?
3) let me know if I'm rushing you! OK?*
Thank you for saying yes. The usual answers I get are no way; are you stupid?; NO I already have a boyfriend. Or sometimes I'm to damn shy to ask a girl out.
*I haven't had a lot of girlfriends yet but just teach me what to do and what not to do! Please!
(2) May the Force be with You

Dear Jessica,
You’ve asked me to stop writing these letters. You’ve told me they will never change things between us. But I can’t, Jessica. I can’t just… let you go. Even Darth Vader, an evil Sith lord, couldn’t leave his son to die at the end of “Return of the Jedi”.
You make me feel so safe, Jessica. So warm. I want to crawl up inside you. Like Luke Skywalker crawled up inside his tauntaun to protect himself from the sub-zero temperatures of Hoth, where the Rebel Alliance was hiding from the Galactic Empire.
For you, Jessica, I would dive into the Sarlacc Pit of Tatooine (Luke's home planet) and be slowly digested for a thousand years, like the bounty hunter Bobba Fett. (Even though in the Expanded Universe of the "Star Wars" novels, Fett eventually escapes, which creator George Lucas has accepted as official S-Dub cannon. But my simile still stands.)
Please, Jessica, give you and me a try - or as wise Jedi once said, "Try not...Do, or do not. There is no try." Come on, Jessica. Let's "do" it. Let's French.
Then again, maybe you're right. Maybe we're from different galaxies, far far away from one another. Maybe you're "not the droid" I'm looking for, and I should give up and "move along"...with my heart.
May the Force be with You,
Patrick (3rd row, History)
(3) I ♥ U

My Dearest Fanny,
I am writing these few lines to tell you that I cannot live any longer without you. I worship you always. I think you are a beauty and the nicest girl I ever saw and I adore you. Oh exquisite Fanny, do not despise me for loving you so well. I shall be broken-hearted if you desert me. Can you meet me on Monday night, when I will take you to the Star Music Hall. I hate that Bill Robinson, who is hanging after you and I intend to horsewhip him when I see him. I shall be delighted to hear from you at once. Do not let my suit be fruitless. Reply by next post to
Your loving
William Weightman
(4) You make me feel secure

Dear Mozilla Corporation,
I love you. This letter is an assingment for our health class. We needed to write a letter to someone who has made an impact on your life. You have, from speeding up my connection, making me feel more secure, or just freeing me from Microsoft. I love Firefox and Thunderbird, but I don't like your naming of FF3 beta, Minefield. Pfft... What kind of name is that? It doesn't fit. Thank you for your programs and the continued development of them.
Good luck with beta release 2.
Chris Beckman
(5) You're a Fool

You're a fool and an asshole to treat me this way,
I've completely adored you from the very first day,
Now I can't get a word. My heart's breaking in two,
My soul and life perforated. And that's due to you,
Give me a clue, a hint, some sign,
What's caused you to repel, retreat and resign.
I love you.
(6) I adore you

Diego, my love,
Remember that once you finish the fresco we will be together forever once and for all, without arguments or anything, only to love one another.
Behave yourself and do everything that Emmy Lou tells you.
I adore you more than ever. Your girl, Frida
(Write me)
(7) Thanks For Sleeping With Me

What in the heck am I supposed to say...
You've saved my bacon so many times in just recent memory! You have very quickly weasled your way to the center of my heart! I like you because while the rest of the world talks about what they can do for people, you are silently already doing it. You are the most real person I think I have ever met. Thanks for loving me just the way I am and encouraging me to be what I'm not yet. Thanks for sleeping with me... I don't think I've ever said that before...
Love - Beck